Sunday, January 24, 2010


Ok, so about a month ago I was asked by one of my writing partners, Christopher Metz, to help write some music to a new show that his friend, a lovely guy by the name of Tymothe Claude, called "Beer: The Musical."

Upon hearing the title of the show I was apprehensive. I've been dedicating my work to musicals that I believed were great concepts, and part of my mind couldn't get past that title... "Beer." It just seemed as though it was going to be some stupid frat boy who thought "Hey, I can write a musical." But Chris kept on telling me, "No, it's really funny, just take a look at it before you say no."

Well, upon reading the script, I signed on. I loved it and the title immediately made sense.

So, now the music is finished and the piece is going to be produced at the University of Central Florida. This is my second piece to be produced at UCF and I'm extremely excited. It's going up in March which means it's time for my annual...


Come and see this show, it's totally funny and has some cool tunes. I think you'll dig it. I'll give you exact dates and some tastes of what the musical sounds like in the next couple of weeks. If anybody reads this....


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